Is today the start or end of something in America?

Joseph Sapp
3 min readJan 7, 2021


US Capitol

Earlier this week I started this new Medium account with the intent of using it as a platform to talk about association management, share some personal stories, and have some fun. I had attempted to re-start my once active blog several times over the past few years, but life got in the way.

I was eager to kick things off with a post about what association management has meant to me over the years as a career. I never did intend to start this off with a political post, but today’s event’s in DC have led me in a different direction.

If you know me or follow me on Twitter you likely know where my political beliefs lay. In the run-up to the general election, I stopped much of my political postings and meaningless arguments with friends on Facebook. I put my efforts towards writing letters, texting, and calling potential voters. I felt that was a better use of my time and when the results finally came in, I was proud of the work I put in.

The last month of the President fanning the flames of wild conspiracy theories about election fraud has done immense damage to our democracy. Those elected officials that have enabled him and echoed those lies about election fraud share blame here. These claims of fraud have been offered with zero evidence.

If there was such fraud, why did it occur in only the four states of focus? Why did it only impact the Presidential election? Those newly elected officials that were on the same ballot insist that the fraud did not impact them though, even though they were on the same ballot. What logic is that?

Why have over 50 lawsuits been tossed, many by Trump-appointed Judges? Why have established Trump supporters in places like Georgia said without hesitation their elections were fair and valid. Funny how quickly Georgia’s Governor went from Trump supporter to outcast for having a backbone against the lies coming from the President.

What happened today in Washington is the result of four years of enabling. Four years of the GOP held hostage by Trump’s base and only worrying about holding power. The damage they have caused through inaction to hold this fragile man accountable has led to the insurrection that occurred today. They must be held accountable; Trump must be held accountable for today.

Simply coming together to finalize the results of the election is not enough. Doing so and moving on, whitewashing what happened today would be inexcusable. Those that accounted for their intent to object to the results know better, well, most of them do. Their continued role in voicing ridiculous claims of fraud without evidence will do irreparable harm to our county.

Like many today I turned on the TV at the end of the afternoon to see what was happening. CNN happened to be the channel and I heard something from Van Jones that resonated with me. His statement about whether this was the start of a sad new chapter for America going forward or the last death throes of a dying movement. Are we as a country strong enough to use this moment to become a better country?

I hope it leads to a better tomorrow for America. That the Democrats who have a new responsibility use it wisely. Put through real reforms that make lives better for all Americans. I also hope they hold Trump and those that enabled him accountable. Not doing so only strengthens the next strong man that comes along hoping to replicate what Trump has done.



Joseph Sapp

Illinoisan residing in New Jersey. COO @ Talley Management Group. Retired collegiate wrestler. Full-time Cubs and Everton Fan.